Monday, June 1, 2020

Mary Worth 3382

I'm just giggling with glee! Toby makes dessert for the Charterstone Meeting! There's going to be a Meeting! Charterstone Meetings are the best. (I'm assuming. This is completely new territory for me.) And there isn't a Weston to be seen! Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day!


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"The Ladies Love Your Watermelon Whales And Cantaloupe Cats".

Dessert not!

Anonymous said...

Virus? What virus? Muffin addiction seems to be a more pressing issue at Charterstone.

I hope Toby just runs down to the Food Clown or whatever the name of Tommy's employer is and buys some cookies. The reaction would be funny.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Ah... it's my understanding that Psalm 118:24 doesn't mean just any old day. It actually refers to the day of Christ's return. If that's the case, it means that regardless of where we might all be headed, it certainly won't be to the Charterstone Condo Association meeting. Bummer; we'll never get to see how badly Toby botched up her dessert.


Vince said...

Everyone, don't you see what is going to happen? At the Charterstone Meeting, just as we think we're getting ready for another great baking-related story, Estelle and Wilbur show up, and they are having uninteresting problems, and then...we're back.

Nance, you are so right. You know that's what Mary is thinking.

KitKat said...

Well, I’m certainly rejoicing - hallelujah, no sign of Dawn!

Nance, reading your BFH title immediately called to my mind “The Ladies Who Lunch,” and I imagined Toby singing it. Not exactly Elaine Stritch, but Toby almost always looks half in the bag, so it could work. Take today for instance - I think she’s sipping scotch from that mug.

I hope in the ensuing weeks, Toby tries an increasingly awful variety of desserts on Mary and Ian. Mary will damn them with faint praise, and Ian will add 20 pounds. Please please please, KM! You owe us big time.

Wanders said...

@KitKat, during the quarantine, I've scheduled a weekly lunch Zoom conference with my all female staff. It's just chatting, not a staff meeting. I titled the meeting "Ladies who Lunch." I'm disappointed that none of them get the reference, but I chuckle every time it pops up on my calendar.

Yahoonski said...

Welp, I see June's forgotten how to draw Toby. Our colorist, however, has not wavered from his/her total dedication to the same old drab and boring hues. Can we maybe hope for a food fight at the meeting with attendees hurling bright yellow bananas, brilliant red strawberries, green grapes and orange oranges at one another?

mr_darcy said...

Mary shares her Salmon Jubilee recipe with Toby. Toby sets it in the center, right between the actual charter and the paper-mache stone.

Instead of "Ladies who Lunch", I hear "Miss Otis Regrets" with Otis changed to Weston.

fauxprof said...

Between Wanders and KitKat, I now have happy ear-worms of Elaine Stritch and Roger Miller. What a combination!

Now, as to Toby’s problem: that tube of chocolate chip cookie dough in the fridge? Instead of eating it raw like you usually do, follow the directions and make actual cookies. Mary will lend you a cookie sheet and show you how the oven works. No, not the microwave...why do I even try?

Anonymous said...

Wait, doesn't Mary hold some official position at Charterstone? Wouldn't she already know who is in charge of eats?

MDMaryTed said...

Just what is the Charterstone Meeting? Is this a condo board meeting? Is this a meeting to discuss why there is no pool party? Or, is it specifically to mock Toby's baking skills? So many bland possibilities.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe you were asked for a reason," says Mary, stifling a good chuckle because she's the one who planted that seed with the refreshment committee. And now Mary has set herself up to revel in weeks of Dawn futilely trying to bake even the simplest dessert, only to come running to Mary in tears every time Ian spits it out. Mary thus assures herself of continual company and judgment opportunities.

Ah, she's a wily one.

-- S. McW.

KitKat said...

Wanders, you must be the best, and most slyly amusing, supervisor in the country. Come to think of it, better than any supervisor in France, too.

Little Nell said...

Yayyyyyyyyy!!!! New Plot Day! And no Dawn or Wilbur!! Thank you Karen Moy from whom all blessings flow (well, maybe not, but an occasional blessing, anyway). I'll never say anything mean about your lame storylines and clunky dialogue ever again, so long as you keep the Westons away from us for at least another quarter or so.

I can't wait to see Mary showing Toby how to make Lime Jell-O Marshmallow Cottage Cheese Surprise.

RIP_Pantani said...

Ummm, not all desserts are baked, ladies...just saying, no one's ever criticized my no-bake Oreo cake.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

TUESDAY: AH, the return of Myster Wynter. Face it, anything's better than the Wetsons and Estelle.

When I saw Toby dithering about what to make for the condo meeting, it made me think of those gross dessert recipes that use to be in women's magazines in the 60s, like this:

KitKat said...

I recall that Toby was dismissive of Old Man Wynter and the late Bella. I suspect that somehow Toby’s dessert ineptitude will lead her to cross paths with the old, snarly guy in which she will learn tolerance as well as elementary muffin baking. That should take us to August at the earliest.

fauxprof said...

I’ll settle for a story with Mr. Wynter. At least it isn’t Wilbur or Iris or Dawn (oh, my!) Besides, he reminds me of the old man in “Up”.

Anonymous said...

It's truly amazing how Mary always has at her disposal a line or two of completely irrelevant pap that just rolls off her tongue before she even has time to even think about it. It's automatic.

"Mary, I'm going to the store."

"Venturing out in a quest for something new can sustain us in many ways. The opportunity to interact with those who we depend on and who depend on us fosters a fuller, richer life for us all."

"Yeah, whatever. Need anything?"

-- Scottie McW.

mr_darcy said...

I like the text box that tells us what happened yesterday. Otherwise anyone who came to this new story a day late would be hopelessly lost. Is Mary handing a muffin to Toby or are they playing Make-a-Wish?