Saturday, June 6, 2020

Mary Worth 3386

"You loved what's-her-name like a sister. Do this for HER!"


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Saul Did Not Pack Enough For This Guilt Trip".

79 years old!
Same older.
Not know!
Wouldn't. Sister.

Anonymous said...

KM continues to spell out the relationship between Lyle and Saul for the benefit of the hundreds of new readers this strip picks up daily.


Tim said...

It annoys me. I mean really annoys me, that KM couldn't be bothered to give The Late a name. I mean come on Karen, I need to speak to your manager.

Chester the Dog said...

The kid in the drawing on the wall looks like a barrel of fun.

Garnet said...

Lyle here isn't exactly bucking for the father of the year award, is he?. Dumping a thirteen-year-old girl on a 79-year-old man is just weird. That situation would be horrendously awkward for both of them.

Plus, Venezuela? The sensible thing would be for Lyle to tell his employer "No," and get a new job if need be.

Yahoonski said...

Tim: If Moy had a manager, she would've been fired a long time ago.

mr_darcy said...

When you want to shirk parental duty, you better call Saul. When you need to accomplish a sketchy task in Venezuela, you better dial Lyle. And rhyme one more time if you dare annoy Karen Moy.

KitKat said...

Lyle forgot to have the lovable Madi color the photo of them at genetic park before it was framed and hung on the wall.

Sheesh, Lyle is desperate to dump his daughter on any warm body. I give a thumbs-up to Saul for pushing back. “The same toddler you lived in the past”? Anyone who’s had experience with toddlers and young teen girls knows that they can be rebellious, defiant, moody, and contrarian at the drop of a hat. Good luck, Saul! And whatever you do, don’t try making Madi wear a bow tie. $&@/#%!!

KitKat said...

Oh no, another typo! Generic park, not genetic

KitKat said...

Oy vey, it’s not my day - loved, not lived. {}%#!!

Tim said...

Something about this ludicrous plot reminds me of a Victorian melodrama-Wuthering Heights comes to Charterstone.

Anonymous said...

Wanders, this story has brought out the absolute best in you! Hilarious stuff.

And this goes for the rest of the Snark Tank. You're all on your game this week.

Welp, gotta run. I have to browbeat my grandma into taking care of my pet oxen for the summer.

-- Scottie McW.

Jana C.H. said...

Lyle is so freaked out by Saul's stubborn independence that he's forgotten how to hold his phone--something that he, unlike everyone else in the Worthiverse, once knew how to do.

lmjb1964 said...

Wanders, amazing commentary on the new plot line.

Nance, I laughed so hard at today's BFH. Also, I was going to say something along the lines of, "A crotchety old man gets stuck with a sullen kid. We've never seen that before," but you beat me to it with "On Charterstone Pond." At least Henry Fonda was that kid's grandfather.

Despite the oddities in the artwork in the strip in general, props to Brigman for the detail of having the kid in the picture standing sullenly with her arms crossed, and props to Chester the Dog for noticing it.

Mr>Darcy, I was trying to come up with a rhyme for Wanders, but couldn't.

LouiseF said...

I think HERE is where KM could insert Saul's fear that Madi could be bringing him COVID 19. It is WAY past time for her to get on board with the virus. "If Madi comes here, Lyle, she'll have to spend two weeks in the Charterstone garage with Mr. Allora before I can let her in my apartment. No shower, just a bucket for a restroom. NO INTERNET!! Do you want to be responsible for THAT?! You may as well let her off downtown with the Black Lives Matter protests" (just to bring it all up to speed..)

Downpuppy said...

For future use: launders, maunders, ponders, yonders.
Lyle does look a lot like Arther's fake picture.