Monday, July 13, 2020

Mary Worth 3415

Brown and grey. I think the problem here is that Madi is color blind and doesn't know what she's talking about.


Anonymous said...

"My Gram loved colors. She used to drop acid all the time. Have you ever tried LSD, Mrs. Worth? I have some if you'd like. I'm going to put some in Mr. Wynters' prune juice so maybe he'll lighten up."

-- Scottie McW.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Well, Like Me, She Loved Colors, And We Both Loved Colors A Lot".

Loving care.

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling that Madi has a string coming out of her back. When you pull it, you get one of three statements:

I like colors.
I miss Gram.
Cookies are good.

And I don't know who's doing the coloring since June's husband, Roy, jumped ship, but I think they're having us on. Grey daisies and brown roses?


KitKat said...

Wanders and Scottie McW., you have me in stitches. Thanks for the Monday morning laughs!

Boy, Mary’s off the chart on the Insufferable Scale. Yesterday she emphasized that her cookies were HOMEMADE , and today she boasts that she tends her hideous flowers and plants with LOVING CARE. That might explain why they are so unattractive.

It’s clear where this conversation about the Departed Nameless is heading, so I suggest that the DN be referred to as Gram Positive and Mary as Gram Negative.

Anonymous said...

You see Saul, all it took was some kind, artificial words and the teen sinks into a quiet funk. Try it!

Saul: "I miss your Gram, my cousin. We used to like to put a slug in the Nickelodeon."
Madi: " Gram liked nickles."

Saul: "I miss your Gram, my cousin. She used to like getting ice chips from the Ice Man."
Madi: " Gram liked Top Gun."

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Didn't we cover this ground already about gram loving colors? Has KM run out of dialog already? The platitudes about cooking food being "Not only necessary, but a pleasure" made me want to gag, especially looking at the questionable things she cooks. The repeating of trite dialog is also making me gag.

LouiseF said...

Madi definitely looks as if she's in a trance. Thinking Mary added some psychoactive substance to those cookies. Perhaps even an assortment of substances.

Yahoonski said...

Helen: I think Mary's got a string coming out of her back, too. She's just got a few more phrases on the disc than Madi has.

Anonymous said...

im sure young kids love to hear old people brag there great at everything they do

KitKat said...

Madi: "I color my hair because so did she.

Mary: "It's nice that you remember and celebrate her in your own way, as awkward as your syntax and choice of hair color may be, dear."

Anonymous said...

"Gram was nice. She didn't make a big deal over anything I did. She let me throw my clothes all over the place. She didn't care if I skipped school. She let me drink her wine. She really loved me."

-- Scottie McW.

LouiseF said...

Somehow I doubt Gram donned the color job Madi has, but could we see a photo of Gram, please? I would love to see her with a white streak in her hair, looking like Cruella DeVil in "101 Dalmatians".