Saturday, December 19, 2020

Mary Worth 3525

So, I went to a few grocery store websites and searched for cobbler. This is what came up:




Don't feel stupid, Tommy. We all say dumb things.

Special thanks to KitKat and Leslie for their bribes yesterday. They were both very much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Freda's sells its own store brand of cobbler. They call it Cobbledygook.™

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Wanders. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that one cannot buy ready-made blueberry cobbler at a grocery store. I haven't made it myself for many years and at this stage of my life, it's unlikely I ever will again. But thanks to the input from Yahoonski and Scottie McW, if I ever do, I'm going to call it: Blubbery Blobbly Cobbledygook. And BTW Mary (and June) I will serve it properly: in a bowl, with a spoon, warmed with vanilla ice cream on top. So there!


KitKat said...

I wondered if Freda’s has an in-store bakery that sells cobbler. Then I remembered that the grocer store I patronize has an excellent in-store bakery but NEVER offers cobbler. I figure Tommy went overboard on cozying up to Mary. Maybe he’s hoping she’ll put him in her will.

Mary’s cobbler pan has morphed beyond a 9 x 13. Tomorrow it might be sheet-cake size. All the Charterstone residents are getting a hunk of disgusting blubbery cobbler for Christmas.