Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mary Worth 3564

Holy Faulkner! What the Hemmingway is wrong with these people?? Who talks like this? 

I think it's time for a Google Translate Turnaround. 

The languages I pick are: English to Finnish to French to English. 

 And the results are: 

Saul: Your apartment is plentiful everywhere for you and Max. 
Eve: We love our space. My husband had a lot of things, but penniless was not one of them. 

It isn't worse.


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Does This Salmon Make My Apartment Look Big?".

Generous size!

tkraft said...

Super commentaire, Wanders! C'est pourquoi je viens ici tous les matins!

(Oops, forgot to click on the switchy arrows to Google translate back to English! You made my day in any language, even Mary Worthian!)

Anonymous said...

Panel 2:

Saul: "Eve... Umm, I was just about to ask you if we could talk about something other than your annoying anxiety triggers and your dead husband, but now that I realize you're stinkin' rich, will you marry me?"

Seriously, Saul, you'd better hurry up and make your move before Eve decides to try online dating and meets Arthur.


LouiseF said...

I wasn't sure "moneyless" was even a word, but apparently it is. A little outre of Eve to use such a frank term. She seems more like a "he left me comfortably off" gal or "my memories are softened by his having provided greatly for me". Hmmm... Kind of an Awkword-a-thon going here..

MissScarlet said...

I have to admit to being mesmerized by the painting behind Saul's head. What the heck is that?

And I don't see any carrots, unless they are white. And blue wine!! Is there such a thing?

In all seriousness, though, it must be tough for Eve (or anyone) to admit that they might have put up with years of abuse for the money. Maybe scary Gary never let her work so he could manipulate her more easily.

Maybe I need to find something else to do besides obsess over this strip.

KitKat said...

“Eve...since you’re so flush with cash, could you spare a hundred clams for me? I haven’t bought new bow ties for Greta and me in ages.”

Nance, your BFH title made my sides hurt from laughing! You’re on a roll this week!

I was going to suggest a new Worthy Awards category for “most awkwardly bizarre dialogue”” but realized immediately that there would be way too many contenders.

Darth Curt said...

Eve... will you do me the honor of making me your Power of Attorney?

@MissScarlet -- Romulan Ale is blue. We've had a Star Wars Geek in these stories, perhaps we'll be getting a Trekker now. She's about the right age to have enjoyed the original series.

lmjb1964 said...

@Nance, your BFH title made me laugh till I cried. Great comments, everyone, and thanks to Moy for giving you such great material to work with. And Wanders, that 48-hour break has brought you back better than ever. Love the Google translate turnaround. Wait a minute, I just thought of something. Maybe Google Translate turnaround is how Moy creates her dialogue in the first place!

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