Saturday, July 10, 2021

Mary Worth 3681

"There is no moving on." Accurate.

But, listen, this is the best story we've had since "Dogs are Good," and I for one hope it never ends.


KitKat said...

Just before reading today’s MW, I read an AP article about this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Among the celebrities on the red carpet was Bella Hadid. I cannot picture Ashlee or Drew in Cannes.

I’m with you, Wanders. When we were stuck in the Saul/Eve/My Dog Saved My Life Endless Loop earlier this year, all of us would have done anything for the chance of an Ashlee-Shauna-Drew action-packed triangle.

Anonymous said...

"Even so . . ."

Drew, Drew, Drew, you shouldn't have said that out loud. Now you've left the door cracked open, and there's no closing it.

They say Vietnam is nice this time of year.

-- Scottie McW.

tkraft said...

Confession to all my MW&M friends: I'm to blame for all this! I spent innumerable hours hoping and pining for action and plot movement. I wanted splashing hot coffee, I wanted punching, I wanted glamour photography, and embarrassingly, I wanted trashy inappropriate female stereotypes. As Laurel and Hardy might have said, "Well, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into." Friends, please accept my apologies.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow, Drew returns to the examination room to find it cleaned out of everything but a few tongue depressors. The final panel shows Ashlee pushing a shopping cart full of drugs and medical supplies through the back alley, wondering how much she can get for the defibrillator.


hmmm said...

Saul and Eve, starring in: The Cure of the Cur.

Anonymous said...


To the contrary, my good man/dear lady, we salute you for this rollicking good time, which, to the best of my knowledge, has given us a cascade of surprising moments, the quantity of which has never before been seen in a single MW story arc.

You gone good.

-- S. McW.