Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Mary Worth 3888

Helen is pausing again. This is going to be a good week, with plenty of pausing and plot redundancies. Hopefully there are lots of photos of Ian in that yearbook.


RogerBW said...

What I'm getting from this is that at some point Ian is going to take Toby into the special room that she's never allowed into, and conduct the ritual to strip out her youth and vigour and transfer it to him.

Toby gets the last laugh because she doesn't have any vigour.

Catt said...

Aw! Her dad Ian came to Helen's graduation!
Also "young" Ian is drawn exactly like Cal with a beard.

fauxprof said...

Wow, Helen went went to college with Wolverine’s dorky non-mutant kid brother?

KitKat said...

Helen decides it’s time to introduce Ian to the son he’s never met, Pete Moss.

Anonymous said...

What a great plot twist! Cal is actually a Cameron!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

I deny everything, that is obviously Hugo with a fake beard and someone should report Helen to Exchange Student Management.

Theoretically pausing “once” again should limit the number of additional pauses to one, but I’m not keeping my hopes up.

meg said...

Since Ian is not wearing a mortarboard, may we assume:

1. He did not graduate at that time; or

2. He was not a fellow student, but an older man, such as a professor?

Perhaps poor Helen was the first in a long line of inappropriate faculty-student romances for the dastardly Chinbeard? No wonder she is ticked off! This story is going to get deliciously juicy, and Ian is NEVER going to get tenure!

Chester the Dog said...

Grecian Formula 16 to the rescue!

Jerry Smith said...

What a reveal today! This has been a science fiction strip all along, as Ian is obviously from a different species of human that is incapable of growing hair above their upper lip. Or, is he an alien? THEY LIVE AMONGST US!

hmmm said...

I agree with meg. Ian is definitely a habitual offender. Someone should have reported him to School Management long ago!

LouiseF said...

"Pete Moss"! I guffawed loudly, KitKat! Ah, the good old days when Ian was in School Management. I suspect Helen is smiling in that photo, because she hasn't yet learned that Ian caught her cheating on her History of the Bagpipe exam, and she is about to get stuck teaching at SRCC for the rest of her career.

Garnet said...

I don't think I've ever seen that beard style on someone who wasn't either an old Mennonite or Hutterite. I wonder if Ian is a professor in that photo?

MissScarlet said...

Well, I guess Ian was never a Viking after all. He was always dorky, however. It does look like Helen was his first student crush and apparently, it didn't end well for her. Still, isn't this an awfully long time for Helen to be pissed off? And in all this time she hasn't found someone better than Ian? I'm starting to feel very sorry for her. Let's introduce her to Wilbur!