Thursday, September 15, 2022

Mary Worth 4028

Ah, Stellan and Willa... or should I say, Drs. Stellan and Willa. While we were running around with Dawn and Jared, Stellan and Willa were busily enrolled at SRCc and earned their associates degree in social work, which qualifies them to practice psychotherapy in Santa Royale.


meg said...

I certainly hope Wilbur doesn’t sleep with his fishes.

KitKat said...

Oh good grief, I completely forgot about Pierre. Is this Estelle-Wilbur break number 47?

Wanders, is Mister Solo a graduate of that same SRCc program?

RogerBW said...

Alas, I was right back in #4026.

I can't picture Wilbur actually remembering to feed fish for this long, so that's probably a picture he took when he got them.

LouiseF said...

After getting suckered by Arthu/er, Wilbur may have looked like a catch to Estelle, but she's apparently wising up to his behavior. If Dawn has figured out that she doesn't "need a boyfriend", perhaps this next so called plot will reveal that Wilbur doesn't need a girlfriend. Like daughter, like father.

Anonymous said...

Will Wilbur have a nightmare tonight that he’s turned into Dawn? If so, I just might forgive you, Scottie McW.


Garnet said...

Those poor, poor fish. Imagine having to look at and listen to Wilbur with nowhere to escape to.

MDMaryTed said...

Maybe talking to the fish will make Wilbur miss being on that island when everyone thought he was dead. And he'll go back? Permanently? Or at least until the people on that island kick him off. Which probably will take less than a week. And then he comes back to us. Sigh....